Der ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) kommt nach Berlin!
Liebe Freunde, Partner und Mitstreiter,
warum sind wir Mitglied in der American Society of Training and Development? Zum Beispiel um uns gemeinsam am 12. Februar von Dr. Wei Wang die neuesten Trends zu Personalentwicklung und Training vorstellen zu lassen.
Wer den Kollegen einen Schritt voraus sein möchte (irgendwann kommen die meisten Trends schließlich doch aus den USA in Europa an), der sollte sich diesen kurzfristigen Termin nicht entgehen lassen!Wir laden Sie herzlich zum ASTD Special Workshop am 12. Februar 2013 (16.00 – 18.30 Uhr) ins NH Hotel Berlin Alexanderplatz ein.
Nähere Informationen finden Sie in der Einladung (unten im Anhang).
Dank der Personalentwicklung von nH Hotels kommen Sie nicht umsonst, dafür aber kostenlos an diese Austauschgelegenheit mit internationalen Experten und spannenden Kollegen und Kolleginnen aus Deutschland.
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Herzliche Grüße aus Berlin,
Albrecht Kresse
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Date: Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Time: 16:00-18:30
Place: Hotel NH Berlin Alexanderplatz, Berlin
This workshop will share with you the trends in training and development by reviewing the higlights from the ASTD 2012 State of the Industry Report, one of the most sought-after leading reports from ASTD. You will also learn how the ASTD 2013 International Conference & Exposition will provide you the tools and insights necessary to be successful in the training and development industry. Take advantage of this rare opportunity to network with your colleagues and learn the latest training and development trends.
- 16:00-16:15 Welcome and Presentation
- 16:15-17:15 Trends in Training and Development – based on ASTD Research, by Dr. Wei Wang, Director of International Relations, ASTD
- 17:15-17:30 Networking coffee break
- 17:30-18:00 Highlights of ASTD 2013 International Conference in Dallas, by Iñigo Sanchez-Cabezudo, International Relations Manager for Europe, ASTD
- 18:00-18:30 Experience sharing from German delegation leaders
- Networking
We look forward to meeting with you in person and sharing best practices, trends and insights. Please feel free to invite any L&D professionals who might be interested in learning about the ASTD Research and the 2013 International Conference & Exposition.
Please RSVP for the meeting at :
Register here
or contact Alexander Averdung (edutrainment company) at
Telephone: +49 30 36 41 7770
I hope to see you in Berlin next month.
Best regards,
Iñigo Sanchez-Cabezudo
International Relations Manager for Europe
ASTD-the American Society for Training & Development is the world’s largest association dedicated to workplace training and development professionals. More than 40,000 ASTD members from over 100 countries.